Thursday, March 11, 2010

History Department Hires New Public Historian

The department has hired Leslie Madsen-Brooks to be its new public historian, beginning in August 2010. Madsen-Brooks received her doctorate from UC Davis in Cultural Studies in 2006. She writes about women in science, material culture, museums, and digital history (of which she is a practitioner as well as a student). She will teach undergraduate courses in public history and US gender history, as well as graduate seminars in public history.


Unknown said...

I didn't know 'digital history' existed. Sounds like something I should investigate.

Good luck in your new position.

Racer X said...

It does! You should!

Leslie M-B said...

Definitely investigate--take my course! :) And feel free to e-mail me at ljmadsen -at- ucdavis -dot- edu if you have questions.