Saturday, January 24, 2009

Reel vs. Real: Lisa McClain to Host "Braveheart"

Phi Alpha Theta is sponsoring another 'Reel vs. Real' event:
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Papa Joe's Italian Restaurant (in the TV lounge area)
1301 S. Capitol Blvd.
7:00 p.m.
The movie is: Braveheart
The professor leading the discussion will be Dr. Lisa McClain.
This 1995 film is about William Wallace, a Scottish rebel who leads an uprising against the cruel English ruler Edward the Longshanks, who wishes to inherit the crown of Scotland for himself. When he was a young boy, William Wallace's father and brother, along with many others, lost their lives trying to free Scotland. Once he loses another of his loved ones, William Wallace begins his long quest to make Scotland free once and for all, along with the assistance of Robert the Bruce.
Both food and drink are available for purchase. Join Phi Alpha Theta for this fun, 'historical' gathering!
If you have questions or want more information, please feel free to call!
Megan Jamison, Phi Alpha Theta President

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