Monday, December 1, 2008

Student Focus -- Patty Pierose (I)

Periodically (very periodically) we will be posting interviews with history students. Brian Lawatch gamely answered some questions for us earlier in the semester, and now it's the turn of Patty Pierose. Today, the first installment. The question (drumroll...) "What drew you back to the university, and the study of history, after a bit of time away?" Her answer:

"I really just began at Boise State because the description of Dr. Gill's American Religious History interested me….I took it for graduate credit as that was the only spot open. I had already done some reading about American religion and how and where denominations took root, so it was an avocational interest with me….Gill is a great professor: she's organized; she is wonderfully enthusiastic; she can handle a delicate classroom question with great skill and finesse….After that is was "Katy, Bar the Door" to quote my farmer father. I decided to get a third degree, an undergraduate degree in history. For THE Fun OF IT. People crack up when I say that. Zirinsky and Gill told me I should go for a Master's Degree in History, but my ancient 20 credits of mostly American History left me feeling like I didn't know enough. I should have done it… I'm still having a wonderful time….I can't really have a bad instructor or class because as an adult learner, I know exactly how to learn and I don't stop at the grade. I mean, I want to be challenged and held to a decent, strong standard, and I'll keep reading everything, so mostly it's on me."

Come back soon for Patty's history class "wow moment"...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My kids told me this was up...
One thing I forgot to say was that I am grateful that the university makes this pursuit affordable to me at my age. I know, as Nick says, it should be the other way around. The young should have the same fees, but nevertheless, i am grateful.